Thursday, December 26, 2013

Winter Classes

Draw and Paint What I Do
Instructor: Joan Beeman
This class is designed for your young child to create original drawings, paintings, and a 3-dimensional project. Your child will learn to create from life experiences without relying on coloring books or copy materials. Children draw and paint with emotion which can be a very exciting experience for them as they mix colors, and express their feelings through color. Parents or grandparents are encouraged to accompany the child. We will have a 10 minute break time with a small snack in class. 
Saturdays: Feb 8, 15, 22 & Mar 1 — 10 am-12 pm
Ages: 4-7 
Class Fee: $45 (Members $40)


Your Art, Our Studio  
No instructor
Bring your own supplies. Work independently in the newly refurbished, well-lit classroom.
Tuesdays:  9 am -12 pm
Ages 18+
Fee: $5/session (Members no charge) 
Must pre-register

Chase Away the Winter Blahs
Instructor: Dennis Morris
This event is for families, teachers, artists and anyone who wants to share in the excitement of discovery. We will use all kinds of art materials and tools to celebrate the creative spirit. Activities to be covered include adaptive tools/toys for the brave AND timid, mess-less fingerpainting (YES...MESS-LESS) and a sachet of other magic. 
Saturday: Jan 11 -- 1-5 pm
All Ages
Class Fee: $50 (Members $45)
Register as a family and receive a $15 discount.

Acrylic or Oil Painting
Instructor: Toni Wrightsman
Beginners and advanced students welcome. Individual attention given to each class member. Basic and advanced color theory and elements of composition are  explored, ranging from traditional to contemporary. Students may choose to work from photographs in portraiture, landscape, still life, or other.
Tuesdays: Feb 4 - Mar 25 -- 1-4 pm
Ages: 16+
Class Fee: $130 (Members $110)


Still Chasing Away the Blahs
Instructor: Dennis Morris
If you missed the first class or just want more opportunities to chase away the blahs, this is your class!
Saturday: January 25  —  1-5 pm
All Ages
Class Fee: $50 (Members $45)
Register as a family and receive a $15 discount by calling 544-2787.


Instructor:  Debbie Megginson
This class will review basic skills of washes and glazes, wet and dry painting, and edge control. Focus on creating compositions from your own photos and subject  matter, or instructor’s, that will catch the viewer’s eye. Figures can also be used as a practice study. Intermediate and beginners welcome.
Supply list available at registration.
Wednesdays: Jan 15, 22; Feb 12 - Mar 19 - 1-4 pm
Ages: 16+
Class Fee: $130 (Members $110)


Instructor: Joan Beeman
Ever want to get back into the joy of doing artwork? Join our casual friendly group and learn the basics techniques of drawing, or sharpen the skills you have not used for awhile. We will study through class demonstrations and exercises proportion, contour, value, and perspective. We will use both dry and wet media. Subject matter will include still life, hands and feet, photo references and class model. Basic materials for this class are an 18" x 24" sketchbook, pencil, and kneaded eraser. Additional optional supplies will be discussed in first class.
Tuesdays: Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 -- 4 :30 - 7pm
Ages: 16+
Class Fee:  $65 (Members $55)


Beyond Capturing
Instructor: Adam Smith
You understand the basic fundamentals of photography; you have even gone out and captured a few good images. However, you have just one question: now what? This class will go beyond just capturing your image and look at what to do next. We will discuss post-processing using a variety of programs. 
Mondays: Feb 3 - Feb 24  —  6-8 pm
Ages: 16+
Class Fee: $60 (Members $50)


The Photographer's Intent
Instructor: Adam Smith
Developing the mindset that photography is more than just an art - it is an expression, we soon realize that in order to capture images that are STRONG, there has to be a vision. We will use a book by David Duchernin that will set the pavement for this course.
Wednesdays: Feb 5 - Feb 26  —  6-8 pm
Ages: 16+
Class Fee: $60 (Members $50)


Paper Possibilities
Instructor: Dennis Morris
Continue chasing away our Winter Blahs as we make all kinds of paper with the help of a Lander critter (hydra pulper) and assorted beating tools. IN this 4 hour workshop we will make paper from milkweed, hosta, corn-husk, cotton and kozo pulps (Japanese Mulberry).
Saturday: February 22  —  1-5 pm
All Ages
Class Fee: $50 (Members $45)
Register as a family and receive a $15 discount by calling 544-2787.
